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Statistics Posts

Introduction In a previous post I talked about estimating a binomial proportion, including for rare events. The reason I wrote that was …

Introduction The common approach Common Approach: The math Why the common approach is bad Alternatives Alternative 1: Wilson and …

Introduction Should you use a two-tailed test or a one-tailed test (or similarly, a confidence interval or 1-sided confidence bound)? …

Preface For this post, I’m going to assume you are fairly familiar with RMarkdown. If not, you may want to start with RMarkdown: …

Other Posts

Introduction This is part 1 of a 3-part bit on voting and elections. First of all, a disclaimer: I’m not a political scientist, I am …

Introduction This is part 2 a 3-part bit on voting and elections. As before, the disclaimer that I’m not a political scientist, I am …

Introduction This is part 3 of what a 3-part bit on voting and elections. In Voting Methods Part 1 I described the plurality voting …

The short version When encountering scientific claims - or really any objective claim - it can be difficult to know what to believe, …

Welcome! If you’ve found your way to this page … well, I’m more than a little surprised. This is my personal …

Slides & Talks

Recent Publications

For large datasets, spatial covariances are often modeled using basis functions and covariance of a reduced dimensional latent spatial …

Large spatial datasets are typically modelled through a small set of knot locations; often these locations are specified by the …

The Association of Firearm and Toolmark Examiners recommends a minimum of two test fires be performed when an unknown firearm is …