
Robust estimation of reduced rank models to large spatial datasets

For large datasets, spatial covariances are often modeled using basis functions and covariance of a reduced dimensional latent spatial process. For skewed data, likelihood based approaches with Gaussian assumption may not lead to faithful inference. …

Threshold knot selection for large-scale spatial models with applications to the Deepwater Horizon disaster

Large spatial datasets are typically modelled through a small set of knot locations; often these locations are specified by the investigator by arbitrary criteria. Existing methods of estimating the locations of knots assume their number is known a …

Determining the number of test fires needed to represent the variability present within firearms of various calibers

The Association of Firearm and Toolmark Examiners recommends a minimum of two test fires be performed when an unknown firearm is submitted to a laboratory prior to doing a comparison with a cartridge case collected from a crime scene. Limited …

Testing for Inequality Constraints in Singular Models by Trimming or Winsorizing the Variance Matrix

There are many applications in which a statistic follows, at least asymptotically, a normal distribution with a singular or nearly singular variance matrix. A classic example occurs in linear regression models under multicollinearity but there are …

Past and future drought in Mongolia

The severity of recent droughts in semiarid regions is increasingly attributed to anthropogenic climate change, but it is unclear whether these moisture anomalies exceed those of the past and how past variability compares to future projections. On …

Determining the number of test fires needed to represent the variability present within 9mm Luger firearms

Many studies have been performed in recent years in the field of firearm examination with the goal of providing an objective method for comparisons of fired cartridge cases. No published research to support the number of test fires needed to …

CLME An R package for linear mixed effects models under inequality constraints

In many applications researchers are typically interested in testing for inequality constraints in the context of linear fixed effects and mixed effects models. Although there exists a large body of literature for performing statistical inference …

Reinterpreting the best biomarker of oxidative stress: The 8-iso-prostaglandin F2α/prostaglandin F2α ratio shows complex origins of lipid peroxidation biomarkers in animal models

Oxidative stress is elevated in numerous environmental exposures and diseases. Millions of dollars have been spent to try to ameliorate this damaging process using anti-oxidant therapies. Currently, the best accepted biomarker of oxidative stress is …

A flexible class of reduced rank spatial models for large non-Gaussian datasets

In environmental studies, the datasets exhibiting non-Gaussian properties, such as heavier or lighter tails and multimodality, are very common. The research on dealing with such datasets in reduced rank perspectives is very limited. In this chapter, …

Lognormal block kriging with applications to goal geology

We analyze data on the geochemical make-up of coal samples throughout the state of Illinois. The goal is to estimate the geochemical properties at unobserved locations over a specified region. Multivariate spatial modeling requires characterization …