
Voting methods part 1: FPTP

Introduction This is part 1 of a 3-part bit on voting and elections. First of all, a disclaimer: I’m not a political scientist, I am not an expert on the constitution or any other relevant field. I’m commenting here just as an individual. These ideas are either my own, or ideas that I’ve come across and like. This is very much an “armchair expert” situation. That being said, I’d like to share my thoughts on the electoral process in the United States, and an idea for alternatives.

Voting methods part 2: RCV

Introduction This is part 2 a 3-part bit on voting and elections. As before, the disclaimer that I’m not a political scientist, I am not an expert on the constitution or any other relevant field. I’m commenting here just as an individual. Also, a reminder that CGP Grey’s videos Politics in the Animal Kingdom are fantastic, and a much better explanation that I give here. Alternative voting systems In Voting Methods Part 1 I talked about FPTP / plurality and some problems such as gerrymandering that can arise.

Voting methods part 3: Tweaking the System

Introduction This is part 3 of what a 3-part bit on voting and elections. In Voting Methods Part 1 I described the plurality voting system that’s used in the United States, and some problems with it. In Voting Methods Part 2 I talked a bit about some alternatives, including ranked voting and proportional representation. These were both “background” for what I actually wanted to talk about now: Changes that I’d like to see in the electoral process in the United States.